Griechenland: Erfolg der Kommunisten bei Hochschulwahlen

Veröffentlicht auf von Sepp Aigner

Die Kommunistische Jugend konnte bei den Wahlen einen Zuwachs verzeichnen. SYRIZA stagniert bei minimalen Ergebnissen:


Student elections 2013: significant strengthening of the militant forces

On the 17th of April 2013 the elections were held for the executive committees of the student unions. The lists of Panspoudastiki KS which are supported by the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) witnessed a significant increase.


Thus, Panspoudastiki KS saw an increase in the Technical Educational Institutes receiving 18.4% of the votes (+2.9%) and a similar increase in the Universities receiving 16.6% of the votes (+1.9%).


This result is particularly important, as it took place at a juncture when the bourgeois political system is seeking its recomposition, promoting SYRIZA as the new social-democracy, as well as seeking the reduction of the KKE’s electoral strength. However, the grouping supported by SYRIZA in the elections of the student unions remained stagnant, without any increase in relation to last year’s elections, at 6.5% in the universities and 2% in the Technical Educational Institutes, in contrast to the lists supported by the young communists.


It is also important that Panspoudastiki KS emerged in the first position in 31 student unions, something which gives us hope for the strengthening of the Students’ Militant Front (MAS), which rallies student unions where the militant forces are in the majority, as well as student struggle committees.


In his statement, the Secretary of the CC of KNE, Theodoris Chonis, stated amongst other things: “Thousands of students who participated together with the members of KNE in the lists, and the thousands more who supported them with their votes, constitute a critical mass which can strengthen the efforts for the militant regroupment of the student movement, strengthening the Students’ Militant Front with new forces.”

Veröffentlicht in Griechenland

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