Statement der Kommunistischen Partei Ägyptens zu den politischen Kämpfen
December 5, 2012
Your second impressive revolution broke out to prove that this great Egyptian people is stronger than all the dictators – with whatsoever arrogance, support from external forces and complicity under the cloak of religion – in order to complete the revolutionary advance of January 25 that was robbed and conspired against in order to gain control of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The revolution erupted again against the totalitarian practices of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, represented in the Constitutional Declaration by which (President) Morsi granted himself absolute powers and made his resolutions immune against any court challenge, making himself beyond any accounting. This included hindering the role of the judiciary with millions of demonstrators all over Egypt against all attempts of autocracy by the Moslem Brotherhood and its allies of political Islam forces to impose a catastrophic constitution and the condemned call to a referendum thereon. It is defective, filled with articles setting a fascist religious state, undermining private and public freedoms, judicial independence and media freedom and ignoring social justice, giving power to the president turning him into to dictator… and other disastrous articles. -
So, opinion of the Egyptian Communist Party is that legal legitimacy of the President had fallen, and popular legitimacy had collapsed by that overwhelming revolution, but the battle has not yet been resolved, which necessitates the need for concerting all efforts to overthrow the constitutional declaration, stop referendum and serious preparation of a revolutionary democratic alternative.
In this regard, the Communist Party stresses the need to strengthen the protest and continue demonstrations in millions at this critical stage to face the Brotherhood plot of igniting a civil war in the country and directing their militias to the peaceful sit-in in front of Ittihadeya Presidential Palace, holding the President and his Group full responsibility for any drop of blood shed. It has become urgent now to subject the Muslim Brotherhood to the rule of law and disclose their secret funding sources.
The great Egyptian people is now writing its own history with his hand once again with all his forces united, will gathered and hearts of his sons filled with determination, persistence. It decided at the loudest voice that there is no return to injustice, tyranny and corruption again, and that freedom and progress, democracy and social justice, human and national dignity are his uncompromisable demands whatever the sacrifices might be.
Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people
It is revolution until victory
December 5, 2012
The Egyptian Communist Party