Syrien: Sarsura-Autoren in Gefahr
Dieser Beitrag stammt von Tom Gard, :
Autoren der MSM-kritischen Domain in Gefahr!
@2011-10-30 – 17:57:34
... oder schon ermordet? Mit der Komplizität deutscher Behörden?
Unter der Domain veröffentlichten Sara Hoffmeier und der Deutsch-Syrer Christian Kopp zuletzt Reiseberichte aus Syrien, darunter vorgeblichen "Brennpunkten" des Aufruhrs wie der Stadt Homs, die mit Fotos untermauern sollten, daß die Syrien-Berichterstattung aus Kairo und Qatar zu praktisch 100% gefälscht und erfunden ist. Ihren Gesprächspartnern zufolge ging die Gewalt in praktisch allen Fällen von bewaffneten Banden aus.
Die Domain wurde vor höchstens drei Tagen von der Fa.Hetzner Online AG gekapert und alle Anfragen auf eine PC-Seite umgeleitet, wodurch auch Google - Caches umgangen werden.
Den Agenten scheint eine englische Seite entgangen zu sein, welche Photos, Videos und einige Zitate von Sarsura-Syrien bringt. Schaut man genauer auf Text und Gestaltung, drängt sich allerdings der Eindruck auf, der Eintrag diente der Denunziation.
Auch die Facebook - Accounts der beiden - offenbar ein Paar - wurden unterdessen gelöscht.
Am 27.10. warnte ein syrischer "revolutionärer" Blogger, Almendsh, vor den Christian Kopp und Sara Hoffmeier. Mir stehen nur Google-Übersetzungen des arabischen Originals zur Verfügung.
"Disclaimer Almendsh:
Despite the inability to actually immediate verification of the information .. but that the priority of the protection of young people require publishing .... Please stick to extreme caution in dealing with people below them without being at all, whether well or evil ... If their work for the benefit of the system will not Ihsalo information ... and that Their work was a real loss will not be a newspaper report of the importance of security of the Risk Revolution .... However, and in all cases must be dealt with in a very normal ... and tell the Embassy of their country for their activity, if possible ....
My friends there are two people of German nationality Anthlan prescription group journalist and are now in the rounds of many Syrian cities in order to conduct interviews with the rebels and activists who are of Almnhabkjah They Sara Hoffmeier & Christian Kopp Please take caution and we will publish full information about them later in the Support Revolution and participated in the dissemination of this information in order to protect the rebels"
Das dazu eingestellte Phote stimmt mit dem Facebook-Profil des Sarsura-Bloggers überein.
Darunter der Entwurf eines Schreibens an das deutsche Außenministerium:
"The German Foreign Office: Werderscher Markt square, the Mitte district, Berlin.
Rumors have been circulating over the internet in the past few days regarding what is believed to be, two German citizens. Namely; Mr Christian Kopp, and Ms Sara Hoffmeier.
Mr Kopp and Ms Hoffmeire are allegedly in Syria and trying to get access to the people in charge of organising the anti-government demonstrations in Damascus and some other cities.
We are led to believe that the couple are introducing themselves as under-cover German reporters making a documentary about the Syrian uprising, and the rumors among the people are that the two mentioned individuals are co-operating with the Syrian authorities and aiming at providing the regime with informations on the whereabouts of the demonstrations' organizers.
Since we do care for the security of the Syrian people and of those who visit Syria, and under the current situation, we ask you to invistigate the matter. and see whether these individual are cooperating with the Syrian regime, which could be an offense in the german law. Or whether the Syrian regime (known for this sort of behaviour) is actually behind the rumors, in which case the safety of these individuals maybe at risk, and you may need to contact them and urge them to leave."
Die Kommentare hören sich nicht gut an:
"This is true Christian Cobb and his girlfriend Sarah Hofmeyer working of the system and trying to be making the rounds to Syria photographed streets in cities and rural areas and seek every effort to access information and pictures of collisions revolution with the system and they speak Arabic without an accent wrong and Aathdthon about the massacre of the rebels on the way Alaazzah Syrian order.
And with that I would like to say that the opinion of Hola maimed for our revolution is not recognized in Germany and after reading comments by the Germans on Adaaathm knew the Germans refused to Takrifam and distortion of reality.
And I think they are buyers of the Syrian regime, but this is forbidden in Germany to work as any that was fair or not, opinion is free and open to all non-mahram. And accusing them of spying without concrete evidence does not help, but could bring serious consequences to the plaintiff. I am Syrian and I live for 40 years in Germany and I know the conditions here well and speak the German language as the language of my mother and father Syrian Arabs."
Comments and his grandmother Sarah in her personal page:
28, Oktober0: 50
@ Sarsura
wie ich vor Tagen hier kommentiert habe, kommt deine Reise nach Syrien ausgerechnet in dieser Zeit ziemlich verdächtig vor. Da steckt vermutlich etwas dahinter ...
Seit gestern kursieren Medlungen über dich und deinen Freund auf Facebook. Demnach sollt ihr vorgeben, Journalisten zu sein, um an die Organisatoren der Demonstrationen heran zu kommen und sie dann bei der Geheimpolizei zu denunzieren ... Ihr seid also praktisch aufgefolgen ;-) LASST DAS LIEBER SEIN!!!
Hier eine Medlung:
Hbihh German ... ....
Sarah Hoffmar .... Christian and cup
Sara Hoffmeier & Christian Kopp
Two people of German nationality status Anthlan the press corps and are now touring several cities in Syria in order to conduct interviews with the rebels and activists
Where they notify the security on the whereabouts of militants ... and they deliver free
Please take caution and we will publish full information about them later
Support the Revolution and participated in the dissemination of this information in order to protect the rebels
Und hier ein Kommentar (der kennt dich scheinbar persönlich):
Invited Sarah Hofmeyer lived in Syria for a period after the study of Arabic literature at the University of Leipzig ... I was in contact with them before the outbreak of the revolution in Syria .... An expert on the Middle East and Syria in particular .. she and the owner of those who believe in communism, and from the remains and dictatorial regimes, and my father de R. .... This means the system in the former East Germany ... and that was on the cooperation of Notik of the Syrian regime at the time .... and they have mastered the Arabic language very well ... use them sometimes the office of the Ministry of Foreign Alolmanaa for the translation of certain reports in Arabic .. write newspaper articles in several locations in almost every day ... ... but it is well known here in Germany it is not credible ... ... her site write the articles on a daily basis ... and She believes in a conspiracy theory on Syria by the West and the media ... and trying desperately to defend Bashar and his regime ... because they see that he has no alternative .. is a close relationship with the informants in Germany and has a strong social relations with the Alawites in Syria .. hate the Muslim Brotherhood, and attack them strongly in her articles ... ... we support the Palestinian issue and all the revolutions of the Arab revolution except the Syrian ... .. The visits to Syria every few months ... and the last visit before the visit was to milk ... "
"I am astonished at those who insult his country Syria, which sits in the lap of vice in Europe, which claims to freedom and human rights when in fact gangs colony of the people of plotting to us in secret and in public since the Sykes-Picot and Balfour old whore, unfortunately we have not seen such activity in the service of Syria, the proud, we are now Nbus feet west of the offender to convince him to strike our country, required a review of the same posture with a conscience because the proverb says my brother and I against my cousin and I and my cousin Aalgrayb, beware clients to NATO, they do not believe."
Noch hoffe ich, die Domain wurde übernommen, um die beiden Blogger zu schützen, bzw. ihre Freilassung oder sichere Ausreise zu erwirken.